These volleys also demoralized the enemy

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linuxleftie 2 points submitted 3 hours ago

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dutch_penguin 10 points submitted 1 day agoit in the name. Iran = (edit:) “land of Aryans”. North of Iran are the Caucasian mountains, where Indian and European language/religion(/people?) (probably) flowed from, so it probably an important place for white supremacists. There are still grey eyed dark haired white people in Iran today.

Another example, from wikipedia:

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mgsbigdog 10 points submitted 4 days ago

Honestly don know why Americans are so averse to the idea of mandatory civil service. I get not wanting to canada goose outlet las vegas serve in the military for cheap canada goose certain moral or religious reasons, but having your country guarantee two years of employment and career training between the ages of 16 and 20 sounds like a great method of solving things like benefit dependence, student debt crisis, homelessness, and generational poverty problems. Not that it would ever happen, but I would absolutely endorse a system that helps transition high schoolers into an actual vocation before just saying, “congratulations you an adult! go figure it out!”

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I don know how being forced to be a firefighter, a soldier, or a cop would be a good thing. You just be doing a shit job and wasting tax payer money. university or an apprenticeship in a trade.

The main benefit of compulsory military service is to have a huge pool of already trained manpower available if there is a major war, but the USA is protected by two big oceans.

Muskets were highly inaccurate. If you wanted to kill anything you had to do it in a volley fire. These volleys also demoralized the enemy.

Cavalry charges are much less effective if the defending infantry are in formation.

Muskets create a ton of smoke. In the chaos of battle it be hard to see so it was important for soldiers to maintain their shape so they could still effectively fight and receive orders. This is also why they had bright colored uniforms.

canada goose store These formations went out of style when more accurate weapons and more effective forms of communication were developed. canada goose store

dutch_penguin 3 points submitted 4 days ago

With regard to (1): yes, but muskets themselves weren that inaccurate, it was scared soldiers that were. There was a paper (Krenn et al., 1995) where even 16th century weapons could hit a man size target 50% of the time at 100m range.

I think I read a while ago simply reloading and firing your weapon in the general direction of the canada goose outlet washington dc enemy while under fire was extraordinarily psychologically difficult.

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