Dark Matter – Stefano Profumo

Jan 18-20th. (Wed-Thu: 10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00hrs. Fri 20th 9:00-11:00 hrs.)

Room 1, 3rd floor, Building C. DCI-UGTO


  1. Particle Dark Matter: the Name of the Game
  2. WIMP Dark Matter: zeroth-order Lessons from Cosmology
  3. WIMP Relic Density, a Closer Look
  4. The Art of WIMP Direct Detection
  5. Indirect WIMP Dark Matter Searches
  6. Not-so-Indirect WIMP Searches: Neutrinos and Gamma Rays
  7. Axions as Dark Matter Particles
  8. Sterile Neutrinos as Dark Matter Particles
  9. Bestiarium: a short compendium of notable Dark Matter particle candidates

Suggested Reading : https://arxiv.org/abs/1301.0952

Lecture slides:

– Lecture 1

– Lecture 2

– Lecture 3