I am interested on the prediction of properties of substances at all scales
based on their molecular structure, using Molecular Thermodynamics and Computer simulations,
a multidisciplinary research area where Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Chemical
Engineering meets in what now is known as Molecular Engineering. I was part of the research team that developed
the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory for potentials of Variable Range (SAFT-VR, see citation 1 in the publication
list)), that has been used extensively and wordlwidely in different industrial applications (see, for example, I am interested in
the modelling of thermodynamic properties of systems that are relevant in the energy industry,
like asphaltenes, biodiesel and hydrogen.
I strongly support the convergence of different science and engineering areas to solve the
fundamental challenges in health, energy and sustainability in our society,
through multidisciplinary education and research (as propossed by MIT scientists,