VIII International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC)

Recent advances in observational astronomy have brought a new focus on the potential connections between new fundamental particles and our understanding of their impact on the early universe and its evolution.

With the content of the universe well known from astrophysical observations, a key aspect is that 23% of the universe appears to consist of dark matter. If current theories are correct, the particle physics candidate for this matter may well be observed in ongoing direct and/or indirect dark matter detection experiments or at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

In addition, about 70% of the universe, the dark energy, still remains a significant mystery that major theoretical attempts are trying to understand.

The experiments at the LHCPLANCKFERMI and many direct and indirect detection experiments are motivations behind organizing this workshop on particle physics and cosmology.

In this workshop, we discussed various issues related to the realization of the well-motivated connection between these two areas. Since the models are intricate and the experiments are complicated, we examined possible avenues through which the connection can be explored.  The Talks that were presented during the conference are archived in the agenda page.

The workshop involved particle theorists, experimentalists, cosmologists and observational astronomers. The talks addressed major theoretical models, current experimental data, the upcoming future experiments, and future possible experiments and accelerators that are at the proposal stage. Talks were geared to be comprehensive to both particle physicists and astronomers.

Panel discussions involving the key leaders in energy, intensity and cosmic frontiers areas were arranged to highlight the important issues that straddle the boundaries of these intersecting topics.