Sitting on the bottom bunk of her children’s bed

For five years Khadijah Dija visited a family health clinic in the slum every three months to get a free contraceptive injection until Trump’s funding cuts came into effect.The single mother moncler outlet uk of two says she relied on the family planning method to avoid having another child she couldn’t afford. Her daily earnings from selling porridge, equivalent cheap moncler coats to 50 cents, are barely enough to buy food for her family, or pay rent on their one room house.When the nongovernmental organization Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) informed Dija last August that it no longer had funds to provide her with free contraception she said she was devastated.The three month injectable contraceptives she had previously received for free would now cost her $4, according to FHOK.Sitting on the bottom bunk of her children’s bed, their toys scattered around her, Dija told CNN that she had considered getting injections from a local pharmacy, where they sell for about $2 to $3. But she said they’re often expired, or unsafe, and she couldn’t afford them anyway.Injectables are the most commonly used form of contraception for women in Africa.

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