Detail programs of: MACSS, MAPS (Postponed), MSSS
Timetable for the basic/intermediate section
Notes and other course materials for the basic and intermediate courses can be found in this Drive folder
Basic Lectures
- General Relativity (GR): Gustavo Niz
- Fundamentals of the Standard Model of Particles (QFT): Mauro Napsuciale
- Cosmology: Luis Ureña
- Data Science: Julio Armas.
Zoom link for the Basic courses
Intermediate Courses
Courses descriptions in detail
Intermediate courses (Cosmology and Gravitation)
- CosmoMC+CLASS: Francisco Linares (intermediate 1)
- Black holes shadows: Gustavo Gutierrez (Intermediate 2)
- GACOMx: Irvin Martínez (Intermediate 3)
- MG: Gustavo Niz (intermediate 4)
- DESI High: Alma González y Gustavo Niz (intermediate 6)
Intermediate courses (Data Science)
- Supporting Vector Machines: Carlos Padierna (intermediate 1)
- Auto-encoders:Rodrigo de la Cruz (intermediate 5)
- Generative adversarial networks: Uriel Dominguez (intermediate 5)
Intermediate courses (Particle Physics)
- Testing dark matter interactions with astrophysical observables: Javier Reynoso (intermediate 4)
Other Intermediate courses can be found here